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明成化 青花松鼠葡萄紋碗? The blue and white bowl depicts squirrels climbing on grape vines next to ripe grapes on the exterior, interior bears similar motif within roundel, bottom bears four character CHENGHUA reign mark. Ming Dynasty period. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm) 器撇口,深腹,圈足。外壁青花繪松鼠葡萄紋,葡萄樹幹粗壯,藤蔓纏繞,枝繁葉茂,果實累累,飽滿晶瑩,數隻神態各異,活潑可愛的松鼠攀援在葡萄藤枝上。外底青花書“大明成化年製”六字楷書款。 萄和石榴紋。葡萄紋作為工藝品裝飾題材,最早見於唐代,有海馬葡萄紋銅鏡,葡萄紋銀器等。至明清間更為多見,永樂剔紅漆器、成化鬥彩瓷器中的葡萄紋飾已膾炙人口。葡萄果實成串成簇,碩果累累,寓意豐收,富貴長壽。松鼠是一種十分可愛的小動物,鼠在十二時辰為子,喻“子”之意,葡萄松鼠紋寓有“多子多福”、“子孫萬代”的吉祥祈願,成為明清瓷器典型的裝飾紋樣。