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林散之 書法 立軸 Ink on paper, vertical scroll. The calligraphy scroll written with three vertical lines of calligraphy script, artist signature and mark Lin Sanzhi on the left side. Length: 50 3/4 in (128.9 cm) Width: 11 3/4 in (29.8 cm) 林散之(1898.11.20-1989.12.6),名霖,又名以霖,字散之,號三癡、左耳、江上老人等,生於江蘇南京市江浦縣(今南京市浦口區),祖籍安徽省和縣烏江鎮七顆松村莊,詩人、書畫家,尤擅草書。|款識:攻城不怕堅,攻書莫畏難。科學有險阻,苦戰能過關。