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羅聘 牧牛圖 立軸 Ink on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts a man and a young shepherd pulling a water buffalo through river, near trees and plants, artist signature and mark Luo Pin on the top left. Length: 51 in (129.5 cm) Width: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) 羅聘(1733-1799),清代畫家,“揚州八怪”之一。字遯夫,號兩峰,又號衣雲、花之寺僧、金牛山人、師蓮老人等。祖籍安徽歙縣,其先輩遷居揚州。為金農入室弟子,布衣,好遊歷。人物、佛像、山水、花果、梅、蘭、竹等,無所不工,筆調奇創,超逸不群,別具一格。善畫《鬼趣圖》,畫鬼態無不極盡其妙,藉以諷世。亦善刻印,著有《廣印人傳》。金農死後,他搜羅遺稿,出資刻版,使金農的著作得以傳於後世。其妻方婉儀,字白蓮,亦擅畫梅蘭竹石,並工於詩。子允紹、允纘,均善畫梅,人稱“羅家梅派”。|款識:嘉慶丁巳冬十二月兩峰道人羅聘。|鈐印:兩峰畫記