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玉凰 The archaic jade carved ornament depicts phoenix in curved form, wings closed with long tails, body incised with feather and patterns, the jade is of yellowish-celadon color tone with slight translucency. Length: 4 3/8 in (11.1 cm) The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art, Issue No 148, July 1995, page 86. The archaic jade phoenix is very similar to the one pictured. 凰本作皇,本意指代山海經中的皇鳥。皇指大批人群跟隨的王者"。在"皇"的週邊加上"風"字框,表示"跟隨鳥王的大批鳥群"。是中國神話傳說中的百鳥之王。鳳凰與麒麟一樣是雌雄統稱,雄為鳳,雌為凰,總稱為鳳凰,常用來象徵祥瑞。|此件玉雕凰配飾,白玉質,局部有褐色沁蝕,成“U”形,尖喙,杏目,鳳頭上羽冠翻卷,回首望尾,似又有昂首望天之意。羽翼豐滿,末端向前捲曲,鳳尾線條流暢,腹部以陰刻長線裝飾羽翼,羽翼下垂,雙足收於腹下,身體中心鑽有一系孔。雖然年代久遠已有部分風化,但其華麗的長尾,豐腴五彩的羽毛雕刻的依然栩栩如生。整體雕工精美,細節刻畫入微,是一件甚是難得玉雕凰作品。|與故宮文物月刊,第148期,1995年7月,86頁上的玉鳳凰相似。