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漢 辟邪獸 The archaic jade carved ornament depicts a mythical pixiu beast prowling on the ground with mouth and eyes wide open, body carved with archaic patterns, the jade is of celadon and brown color tone with russet. Han Dynasty period. Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Length: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) 辟邪獸為和田白玉雕刻而成,周身多處有黑褐色沁、土蝕咬等痕跡,此辟邪昂首挺胸,怒目橫眉,尖牙利齒,巨口張開,身姿矯健,威風凜凜,比例協調,線條流暢,形神兼備,動感十足。此辟邪可謂栩栩如生,實為古代玉雕大師嘔心瀝血的傳神之作。