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吳規臣 (生卒年不詳) 蝴蝶花卉 Ink and color on paper, framed. The painting depicts butterflies flying around flower blossom in outdoor setting, artist colophon, signature and mark Wu Guichen on the top left. Length: 40 in (101.6 cm) Width: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) 款識:丁亥春日寫應季淳先生雅屬,金沙女史吳香輪。 | 鈐印:規(白)、臣(朱) | 吳規臣(生卒年不詳),字飛卿、香輪,號曉仙,江蘇金壇人,吳朗齋女,吳縣顧鶴妻。自幼從進士畫家潘奕雋學惲壽平的沒骨花鳥畫,筆墨技法日臻成熟,史料記其:"每對花寫照,風枝露葉,雅秀天然。" |