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黃慎 鍾馗 Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts Zhong Kui holding flowers horizontally in his hands, artist signature and mark Huang Shen on top left. Length: 38 in (96.5 cm) Width: 19 in (48.3 cm) 款識:雍正九年得看寫,黃慎。 | 鈐印:黃慎(白)、恭壽(朱) | 黃慎 (康熙—乾隆間人)中國清代傑出書畫家。初名盛,字恭壽,恭懋,躬懋、菊壯,號癭瓢子,別號東海布衣,揚州八怪之一。畫人物,多取神仙故事為題材,初學上官周,後用狂草筆法作畫。筆姿放縱,氣象雄偉,深入古法,亦偶有筆過傷韻者。間作山水、花鳥,得荒率之致。所畫多歷史人物、佛道、樵夫漁父,早年工細,後參以懷素草書筆法,所作人物用筆粗獷,頓挫轉折,縱橫排奡,氣象雄偉。花鳥筆法洗練,形象概括,畫風潑辣;山水境界開闊,注重詩意的表達。