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小葉紫檀筆筒 The Zitan wood brush pot is of cylindrical form, retains Zitan wood grain, color, and patina, bottom includes a large stopper. Height: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm) Diameter: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) 此筆筒呈褐色,看似簡單但製作工藝難度很大。整器紋路清晰,表面深厚潤澤,口部磨光。小葉紫檀因深得明清兩代皇族推崇,明代採伐殆盡,清時尚未複生,來源沽竭,紫檀木生長緩慢,非數百年不能成材,加之近年來進口越來越受限,故而價格逐年翻升,升值潛力巨大,值得收藏。