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沉香佛珠 The agarwood carved prayer beads each shaped in similar sized rounded form, surface carved with lined patterns, retains natural wood grain, patina, and aroma. Length: 50 in (127.0 cm) Bead diameter: 1/2 in (1.3 cm) 佛珠是佛教徒用以念誦記數的隨身法具,在僧俗間的廣泛使用。本稱"念珠",起源於持念佛法僧三寶之名,用以消除煩惱障和報障。通常可分為持珠、佩珠、掛珠三種類型。此件為持珠,每個珠子大小一致,並刻有紋飾。