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大清康熙年製款 鬥彩龍紋小梅瓶 The Doucai vase stands on splayed foot, rising to wide shoulder and waisted neck, below evert rim, in the shape of Meiping vase, body depicts flying dragons amidst clouds, bottom bears four character KANGXI reign mark. Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Diameter: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) 小口短頸,豐肩弧腹,脛部內斂,圈足微外撇,器底有“康熙年製”三行四字青花楷書款。胎釉瑩潤,寶光內蘊,口沿飾青花海水一周,器身繪二龍,下承壽山福海紋,彩繪繁縟華麗,紅綠二彩濃妍相映,黃彩璀璨奪目,青花勻淨明亮,諸色搭配巧妙,畫法上追求萬曆禦瓷的粗獷豪放之氣,彩料上吻合五彩設色熾烈之風格,頗得原物神韻,是為摹製萬曆五彩之絕響。