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大清乾隆年製款 黃地青花描金三多紋小梅瓶 The vase stands on slightly splayed foot, rises elegantly to wide shoulder, waisted short neck, and small flared rim, the body painted in blue and white against yellow ground, with gilt decorated details depicting flowers and vines, interior glazed in teal, bottom bears six character QIANLONG mark. 19/20 century. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) Diameter: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) 型端莊飽滿,胎質細膩,釉面溫潤,花卉紋繪製精細,色彩搭配高雅華貴,極具收藏及觀賞價值。外壁黃地青花描金裝飾,口沿下側繪花卉紋,腹部繪花卉三多紋飾,足牆為蓮瓣紋;別具雅致;碗內飾松石綠釉,底青花書“大清乾隆年製”六字三行篆書款,筆力遒勁,工整俊秀。器型端莊秀麗,彩釉搭配協調,色彩明豔悅目,具有很強的藝術感染力,展現出乾隆器秀麗典雅之貌。