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乾隆年製款 霽藍釉描金水呈 The jar is globular-shaped. The exterior is decorated with imperial designs connected with some lion heads. The bottom is decorated with Chinese characters. Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Width: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) 罩式盂形,形製規正。通體施霽藍釉,器身中央開光施金彩,盂體正中一道夔龍紋。華麗古雅。器物造型端莊,紋飾圖案古樸,整器底色深沉肅穆,圖案高貴典雅。。底書“乾隆年製”金彩四字篆書款,端莊規整。