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明 嘉靖年製 黃地綠彩紋碗 The well-potted bowl stands on foot ring rising to elegant body below evert rim, body depicts pine trees and stylized dragons in light green color against yellow ground, the interior depicts three green stylized ruyi clouds, bottom bears six character JIAJING reign mark. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm) 此碗上碗撇品,深弧腹,圈足。通體施黃釉為地,於釉下錐拱紋飾。碗心飾團龍紋。外壁飾松、竹、梅歲寒三友,間以靈芝紋。松樹幹盤「壽」字,竹樹幹盤「福」字,梅樹幹盤「祿」字。底飾白釉,青花書「大明嘉靖年製」楷書款。 | 以吉祥圖案為主題是嘉靖朝藝術品創作的特色。如此器般以樹幹盤繞成「福」、「祿」、「壽」字作為裝飾,這與嘉靖皇帝崇信道教有密切關係,可能就是道教所說祥瑞降世在瓷器的體現。更添吉祥寓意。故其年代各式工藝,均飾以相類主題。