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春秋 青銅饕餮紋三足鬲 The archaic bronze vessel stands on three splayed beast legs, scrolled at the end, each extended from taotie mask, surrounded by archaic patterns, below the rim mounted with two raised handles. Spring and Autumn period. Height: 14 in (35.6 cm) Diameter: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) 此青銅饕餮紋鬲造型圓潤敦實,線條柔美精准。口微侈,上立雙耳,短頸,三袋足,腹部肥碩,盡顯豐腴典雅之態;三足對應的腹部各飾饕餮紋,以回紋襯地,形成主紋與地紋的對比,主紋之上再飾以其它紋飾,如饕餮的毛羽,眼睛等,散發著凝重、莊嚴和獰厲之美。神秘又帶詭異之色彩畫面,予人以肅穆威嚴之感。對稱式的佈局又似乎在表述統治者政權的某種氣勢以及不可逾越的章法,而飽滿細密,繁褥精湛的紋飾更是提現了當時高超的鑄造工藝水準。通過本品鬲造型、紋飾及鑄造工藝,即可窺見當時中華文明極高的藝術審美。