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商 青銅獸面紋「耳丁」卣 The archaic bronze jar is of bulbous form, the body mounted with four slits across the lid to base, depicts dragons and birds on the exterior, below raised lifting handle and en-suite lid. Shang Dynasty period. Height: 17 in (43.2 cm) Diameter: 13 1/2 in (34.3 cm) 卣呈橢圓體,有蓋。直口,鼓腹,高圈足。通體雷紋錦地紋飾,由蓋至圈足置四條棱戢。蓋高領,與器身以子母口扣合,頂飾蘑菇鈕,面飾獸面紋,蓋壁飾夔龍紋。器頸飾夔龍以獸首相間,兩側置牛首提梁,梁鋬飾龍紋。腹部飾巨目獸面紋,足牆飾夔龍紋。蓋裡及器內底均鑄銘文。古文獻和青銅器銘文常有「秬鬯一卣」之說,秬鬯是以香草與黑黍釀製而成的酒,色黃而芳香,是皇家貴族賞賜有功的諸侯和祭祀神靈時用。而卣便是盛放秬鬯的酒器,為古盛酒器中最重要的一類。此器造型厚重穩健,鑄造精細莊嚴,紋飾飽滿,層次分明,是商代晚期青銅器典型的裝飾紋樣,甚為難得。