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乾隆年製款 仿官窯金絲鐵片石榴樽 The Guan-type jar is of globular form similar to pomegranate, body glazed in celadon with crackle patterns, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm) Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) 造型大致呈石榴形,撇口薄唇,束頸,溜肩鼓腹,下承淺圈足。全器均施滿釉,體施青灰仿官釉,釉水凝潤,金絲開片疏朗有致,遍佈器身,氣勢非凡,雖曰人工,宛若天成,宋人意趣,盡在其中,與清代古瓷鑒定家藍浦所雲“古哥窯器好者類官,亦號百圾碎”(載《景德鎮陶錄》)正相符。圈足塗飾鐵褐之色,底內施釉,底書“大清乾隆年製”青花六字篆書款,篆法精到,端莊規整。