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乾隆年製款 梅花形白瓷碟 The dish has floriform edges in the shape of plum flower, glazed overall in white, bottom bears six character QIANLONG mark, all on top of a carved wooden stand. Height: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm) Diameter: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) 菱角口,淺弧腹,窄圈足,滿施粉青釉。菱口如花,造形別致,表現了純潔之美,寧靜之美,形態之美。釉面瑩潤如玉,極見勻淨雅靚之致,蕩漾著婉約含蓄之氣息。其設計甚得天然意趣,線條舒展柔美,富有韻律感,與粉青一色結合宛如天成。工藝精湛細緻而無造作之痕,予人觀之深為其輕逸媚人之風韻所折服。底部為青花“大清乾隆年製”六字篆款,加之木托,凸顯古拙,氣度不凡。