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宋 鈞窯六棱束腰鼓瓶 The Jun ware vase is of baluster form, with hexagonal lobed exterior, bulbous center body, splayed foot, and flaring wide rim, glazed in infused turquoise, red, and yellow color tone, covered in crackle pattern, two beast mask handles slightly raised on the sides, bottom partially glazed. Possibly Song Dynasty period. Height: 8 3/4 in (22.2 cm) Length: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Width: 4 4/5 in (12.2 cm) 此器造型仿古銅器式樣燒製,六棱唇口、雙獅銜環,底足外撇,腹部凸出,頸、足、部分均為六面出戟,造型古樸莊重,氣魄宏偉,通體玫瑰紫釉,色彩絢麗,釉光瑩潤,蚯蚓走泥紋明顯,為鈞窯產品代表作。同類中之罕見珍品,其器形乃宋代經典。