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宋 鈞窯雙魚耳方瓶 The Jun ware vase is of rounded rectangular form, glazed in infused turquoise and red color and covered in crackle pattern, two fish shaped handles mounted on the neck, bottom partially glazed. Possibly Song Dynasty period. Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) Length: 5 in (12.7 cm) Width: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) 此瓶尊呈扁圓形。圓口,直頸,雙耳,斜肩,垂腹,外撇圈足。頸部置一對魚耳。口及腹部貼飾對稱扉棱兩道。鈞窯器形四方簡約,上厚施色釉,垂流似霞若焰,外底施醬釉,其明晦深淺變化,隱顯之間,讓人愛不釋手。釉質醇厚瑩潤,開片自然,胎骨敦厚堅致,古韻悠然。