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唐或宋 白釉點青執壺 The elegantly shaped baluster ewer has an ovoid body, the handle attached to the shoulder and the neck, the body glazed in mostly white and a splash of celadon, bottom unglazed. Possibly Tang or Song Dynasty period. Height: 10 1/4 in (26.0 cm) Diameter: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) 此壶盘口,曲颈,鼓腹,矮圈足。直流曲柄。肩部饰以一条弦纹。壶形线条流畅,虽然简洁,但却恰到好处,突显器物层次感。外施白釉,肩部点青釉,釉面光滑润泽,底部露胎,造型端庄秀美。本品釉色明彻如冰,晶莹温润如玉,类玉似冰,美轮美奂,正是越窑中上佳者,为传世经典。