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建窯柿釉盞天目盞 The Jian ware bowl deeply potted and heavily glazed on the exterior, in brown and black glaze similar to oil drip, bottom unglazed. Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 盞口外侈,斜鼓腹,修美流暢。內外壁施釉,發色如霜柿,色澤沉鬱古穆,碗口掛釉稀薄,幾類胎色,釉水下流沉積,至下腹凝結成珠,愈近下腹愈是肥潤。下腹及圈足露褐色胎,釉色成鐵紅,如霜蓋之熟柿,俗稱「紅耀州」,十分少見。內壁平整光滑,外壁有捏胎形成的棱線。此盞保存完整,器形端正規整,口沿彎折處一絲不苟,施釉均勻,發色紅豔古雅,為盞中珍品。柿釉盞在日本稱為「灰被天目」,因並未發生窯變,故而保持釉水原色,質樸古雅。此盞體量頗大,品相完整,是難得的飲茶佳器。