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?金 鈞窯「雞心」水丞 The Jun ware jar is of elongated dome form, similar to chicken heart, glazed on the exterior in dark green and infused blue and purple, bottom unglazed. Height: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm) Width: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 此件鈞窯小碗造型雋秀,盈盈可握。其螢潤光亮的天藍釉面之中飾有不規則的玫瑰紫色斑塊,觀之如晚霞變幻又如山水氤氳,引人入勝。器成雞心造型,穩健大方,通身施鈞紅窯變釉,髮色甜美,窯變變化如夢如幻,飛流之下,分外妖嬈。