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宋 鈞窯六腳水仙盆 The Jun ware planter is of hexagonal form, stands on six short and small feet, glazed on the exterior in purple and red color tone, interior in cyan and teal color tone, bottom partially glazed with one character mark. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) 宋鈞窯長方六角形洗,撇口折沿下承六隻如意頭足外施玫瑰紫,內施天青釉,釉內有明顯的蚯蚓走泥紋,釉面流淌,底施青黃色釉,有明顯的龜背色釉,有十二支釘支燒,並刻有(六)字款,露胎處呈灰白色,釉面肥厚,包漿古舊,器形規整,是一流的北宋鈞窯官器。