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Chinese Bronze Statue of Seated Ksitigarbha, Ming
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月17日 开拍
A Chinese bronze statue of the bodhisattva Ksitigarbha dating from the Ming dynasty. The seated bodhisattva holds a jewel in their left hand and makes karana mudra with their right. The bodhisattva is seated on a double lotus pedestal and is surrounded by jewels and auspicious symbols. Dimensions are: 13 1/2 inches tall X 7 1/2 inches wide X 6 inches deep, 34.29 cm X 19.05 cm X 15.24 cm, weight 3936 grams. All measurements are approximate. Condition: The index finger is missing, numerous breaks, repairs, and damage throughout. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From the collection of Mr. Williams in Texas. Mr. Williams has more than 50 years of collecting experience in Buddhist sculptures, paintings, and ritual objects from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet, and the Central Plains of China. He has participated in sales around the world including in Hong Kong and throughout Tibet and Europe. Notes: Ksitigarbha, or Dizangwang in Mandarin, is one of the four most popular bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism, alongside Avalokiteshvara, Samantabhadra, and Manjushri. Each deity is believed to reside on one of the four sacred mountains, Jiuhuashan being the residence of Ksitigarbha. Ksitigarbha is the bodhisattva who assumes responsibility for the denizens of Hell. Having vowed not to ascend to Buddhahood until all Hells are empty, Ksitigarbha is often depicted carrying a staff whose purpose is to force open the gates of Hell and a cintamani jewel to light even the darkness of Hell itself. Accordingly, Ksitigarba is most commonly prayed to by those requesting the blessings of their ancestors and for the souls of the dead.In this bronze sculpture, Ksitigarbha sits upright on an elaborate double lotus pedestal with thick, decorated petals. The incised floral borders of their dhoti pool around their crossed legs on the moon-disc surface of the pedestal, and the ends of their celestial scarf hang off the pedestal's front edge. The way the scarf loops around their elbows and wraps around their shoulders suggests its weightlessness, mystically hanging within the air. The light cloth of their saghati covers both shoulders in a style typical of Ming Dynasty Buddhist statues. An extensive array of necklaces, bracelets, armbands, earrings, and anklets overlay the garments, while a tall headdress with looped tassels crowns the sculpture. The particular shape of the crown is another strong indicator of the sculpture's age; of its five triangular points, the second and the fourth are the largest and angle away from the center of the crown, a notable feature of Ming, perhaps even specifically late Ming, depictions of bodhisattvas. And of course, Ksitigarbha's wide face shape and narrow, plump facial features fit within the classic Ming iconography.Ksitigarbha is depicted here with several of their key attributes. While they do not here hold their famous staff, in their left hand rests the spherical cintamani jewel, which is polished to a bright sheen as though it is truly emanating light. Their right hand makes kurana mudra, the gesture to expel demons, appropriate given their protective role as the bodhisattva of Hell. From both hands, lotus vines snake forth, climbing their arms and blooming by each of their shoulders. On the lotus by their left shoulder is a book containing the Prajnaparamita sutra, a shared attribute between the popular bodhisattvas of Chinese Buddhism. The lotus to their right supports a small bowl of water, within which the moon is reflected. This complete sculpture, rare in its clarity and beauty, is an extraordinary work of Ming Dynasty Buddhist art that any faithful collector would be blessed to own. 地藏王菩薩因其「安忍不動如大地,靜慮深密如秘藏」,故名地藏。以其「久遠劫來屢發弘願」,被尊稱為大願地藏王菩薩,普賢、文殊、觀音合為佛教四大菩薩。地藏菩薩發宏願要救渡一切罪苦眾生,尤其是地獄眾生,並以大孝和大願的德業被佛教廣為流傳,又稱大願地藏王菩薩。《須彌藏經》載:「地藏菩薩令眾生衣食豐足、身心安寧;救度眾生離一切苦惱。」,故而深受世人敬仰。另《地藏菩薩儀軌》《地藏菩薩十輪經》載:「地藏菩薩是一切菩薩的清凈眼目,能帶領一切菩薩修行。」因藏菩薩佛法寬廣,「五濁惡世」(即劫濁、見濁、煩惱濁、眾生濁、命濁),拔無邊眾生苦惱,就無量眾生道業」;讓眾生能深信因果,歸依佛、法、僧「三寶」。故而在漢傳佛教中,地藏王菩薩地位極高。 此尊地藏菩薩造像,菩薩頭戴五葉寶冠,神態慈悲祥和,臉部豐腴,天庭飽滿,雙眉如月,雙目俯視,靜穆安寧中盡顯佛家之莊嚴。上身著雙領式通肩袈裟,胸部配飾連珠式瓔珞,下身著高束腰長裙,下擺在雙腿前鋪展開來,衣紋處理采用了漢地傳統雕刻技法,自然流暢,生動寫實,依稀可見身體的自然起伏和變化,衣緣上鏨刻花紋,精美細致。菩薩結跏趺坐於須蓮花座之上,左手持寶珠,右手持說法印,象征著度化天道。 Similar examples have been sold at Christie's New York on June 29, 2021 as lot 102, and Sotheby's New York on September 10, 2019 as lot 304. 參閱佳士得紐約2021年06月拍賣,編號102;蘇富比紐約2019年09月拍賣,編號304。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-2-2022


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拍品估价:8,000 - 12,000 美元 起拍价格:4,500 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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电话: 1 (703) 291-1010
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