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Chinese Famille Rose Brushpot by Yu Chuan, Qianlong
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月16日 开拍
A Chinese famille rose brushpot with the mark of Yu Chuan and dating to the Qianlong period. The quatrefoil brush pot features a coral ground with gold-colored lotus tracery surrounding two white panels. One panel features a poem with a signature, while the other has a scene with lotuses. The bottom and interior of the pot have been glazed turquoise. Dimensions are: 3 1/4 inches tall X 2 1/2 inches long X 2 inches wide, 8.3 cm X 6.4 cm X 5.1 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: It is in overall good condition. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From Ms. Wong in Atlanta, Georgia. The items in the collection were acquired by their mother in Hong Kong from the 1940s to the 1960s. The lot comes with a copy of provenance documentation. Notes: This brush pot is charming, both in its shape and in its design. Opening upwards into a quatrefoil-shaped mouth, the straight walls of the brush pot balance upon four small feet. It is diminutive in size, only measuring several inches tall, with delicate gold painted flowers on a soft red ground. Set atop this ground are two square frames filled with a brilliantly white ground. Within one of these frames is the famous Tang dynasty poem by Zhang Jiuling called "Awaiting the Moon and Huaiyuan." The other frame is painted with the poem's matching scene: a moonlit lotus pond. The simple, dashed lines of the lotus stems convey the silence of the night, and they create an interesting artistic depiction of a thousand thoughts, as expressed in the poem. Together, the poem and the scene unite the opposite sides of the brush pot, inviting the viewer to flip back and forth between them. Similarly, a cohesion of colors joins the inside and the outside of the brush pot, as the multitude of greens and blues in the lotus pond reflect the watery turquoise of the brush pot's interior.The emperor Qianlong himself admired poems like Zhang Jiuling's very much, and it is no wonder, therefore, that some porcelains made during his reign feature imperial poems. Still, it is rare indeed to find such clear poetic inscriptions on smaller pieces like snuff bottles, teapots, and brush pots, making this particular example especially precious. 瓷質筆筒自晚明創制以來,涵括瓷器所能經見之品類,裝飾題材亦豐富多變,惟器形上少有創新。至乾隆唐英榷陶之後,推陳出新,銳意精進,精妙奇巧,將筆筒設計發展至歷史巔峰,獨步陶瓷史,後世所出,盡在其中。 此筆筒乃唐窯文房之雋品,海棠口,直身,底有四足,整體礬紅描金繪纏枝花卉紋,身上兩處留白開光,外框描金,一面為樵雨山房 玉川,以唐代名家張九齡的一首《望月懷遠》—— 海上生明月,天涯共此時;情人怨遙夜,竟夕起相思;滅燭憐光滿,披衣覺露滋;不堪盈手贈,還寢夢佳期。作者字體線條流暢,整篇詩詞一氣呵成,絕對的名家之筆。另一面繪以荷塘月色,充分表達出月下寂靜,荷塘美景邊,思緒萬千的意境,正可謂相得益彰,相映成趣。設計之別致頗見匠心獨運,玲瓏精致,更映襯筆筒之秀雅清朗。乾隆皇帝本人十分喜愛題詩,因此乾隆時期很多瓷器上都有乾隆帝的禦題詩詞,本品落款為玉川,應是乾隆時期宮廷畫師吳玉川,善禦制詩書畫於器物上,其作品多見於鼻煙壺、茶壺,筆筒上較為少見,故尤為珍貴。此品既可置於案頭又可把玩於掌,實為文人雅士賞玩之佳品。 Similar famille rose snuff bottles with the same mark were sold in the September 13, 2016 sale at Christie's New York as lots 526 and 577. 參閱紐約佳士得拍賣2016年9月編號577,1767-1799年吳玉川款白地玻璃畫琺瑯夀石鼻煙壺;同場拍品526號,767-1799年禦制吳玉川款粉彩仕女鼻煙壺。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-1-2022


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拍品估价:800 - 1,200 美元 起拍价格:800 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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电话: 1 (703) 291-1010
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