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瓷福祿壽對弈擺件 The figural group depicts Fu Star, Shou Star, and Lu Star gathered in a group, two of them playing Chinese Weiqi while the other watching the game, colorfully glazed overall, four character mark on the bottom. Height: 12 in (30.5 cm) Length: 10 in (25.4 cm) 粉彩福祿壽擺件,三星是瓷器中較為常見的題材。三位神靈為道教創立的人物,司長人間的福壽利祿。道教根據人們對遠古星辰的自然崇拜,按照人們的嚮往,創造此三星,並賦予他們非凡的神性和獨特的人格魅力。