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PROPERTY FROM THE XIAOQIAO LIU AND JOHN WINTER COLLECTION 'ER LONG XI ZHU:' A RARE SHENHUI-STYLE LACQUERED GUQIN Late-Ming/Early-Qing period The gently tapering and domed body constructed with slope shoulders and four moons on the waist, the 'phoenix's forehead' (feng'e) inlaid with an oval white jade carved with two dragons chasing a flaming pearl in low relief, the black-lacquered surface on the back with wide shefu (snake-belly) craquelure, the top board with thirteen inlaid studs (hui), seven strings threaded through jade tuning pegs (qinzhen) running over the dragon's gum (longyin) and tied to either of the two wood bossed 'goose feet' (yanzu) on the reverse, with a typical rectangular 'dragon's pool' (longchi) and a smaller rectangular 'phoenix's pond' (fengzhao), the four-character inscription 'Er Long Xi Zhu' (Two Dragons Playing with a Pearl) carved above the dragon's pool was covered by lacquer during restoration, the standard-script inscriptions on the edges of the dragon pool and the five-character clerical script inscription (partially visible from the dragon pool) on the underside of the top board were both carved when Li Yaochen (1876-1973) had the instrument restored in 1947 in Chengdu. 44 5/8in (113.4cm) long 7 3/4in (19.7cm) shoulder width 5in (12.5cm) tail width Footnotes 明末清初 「二龍戲珠」神暉式古琴 款識:抗戰勝利後二年(1947)冬月,時在錦城,石紐村胡禹欽(李堯臣化名)重修 Inscriptions on the edges of the 'dragon's pool:' The eleventh month of the second year (1947) after the Victory over Japan, in Chengdu, restored by Hu Yuqin (Li Yaochen, 1876-1973) from Shiniu Village. Provenance: Collection of Li Yaochen (1876-1973) Purchased in 1983 by Yu Bosun (1922-2013) in Chengdu and gifted to the daughter of Liu Qin (Aisin-Gioro Qi Qin, b. 1951), Ms. Xiaoqiao Liu Winter Published: Li, Boqin, Huang Xusheng and Huang Liyi eds. Zhongguo Guqin Zhenshang (Treasures of Chinese Guqin), Beijing, People's Music Publishing House, 1995, no. 15, p. 36: the present lot is cataloged as a Tang dynasty qin (Fig.1) Liu, Qin. Zuihou de Biaowang: Wulin Taidou Li Yaochen Zhuan (The Last King of the Armed Escort: Biography of the Martial Arts Grandmaster Li Yaochen). Beijing, Guangming Daily Publishing House, 2008. (Fig.2) 來源: 李堯臣(1876-1973)舊藏 俞伯蓀(1922-2013)於1983年購於成都,並贈予柳琴(愛新覺羅·啟琴,生於1951年)愛女柳小喬 出版: 李伯琴、黃旭升及黃禮儀編著,《中國古琴珍賞》,北京:人民音樂出版社,1995年,圖錄編號15,頁36:該出版物定本拍品為唐琴(圖1) 柳琴著,《最後的鏢王:武林泰斗李堯臣傳》,北京:光明日報出版社,2008年(圖2) The Shenhui-style 神暉式 (Radiant Spirit-style) is a relatively rare form among the surviving ancient guqin. According to Taiyin Daquan Ji 太音大全集 (Complete Collection of the Ancient Music) compiled by Yuan Junzhe 袁均哲 during the Zhengde period (1506-1521), it states:「神暉,秦陳章作,於腰下覆四月相向,妙作羽音。當大暑,迎入鼓琴,清風自然。」"Shenhui, crafted by Chen Zhang of Qin (221-207 BCE), features four moons facing each other below its waist, rendering it ideal for playing melodies in the yu mode. During the height of summer, playing this qin evokes a sensation of refreshing breezes." (Vol. II, p. 12). (Fig.3) The name "Hu Yuqin" inscribed on the edge of the 'dragon pool,' was an alias adopted by the renowned martial arts master Li Yaochen (1867-1973) following the Japanese occupation of Beijing in 1937. Born in Ji County, Hebei Province, Li began his study of Taichi in childhood. At 14, he joined the biaoju 鏢局 (escort company) industry in Beijing. After the escort company he worked for closed in 1921, he founded his own martial arts studio in the capital. During the 1930s, amidst the Sino-Japanese wars, he served as a military strategist and coach for the Chinese army. Li Yaochen became one of the most well-known martial arts masters of his era. He was invited to perform for Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) and Chairman Mao (1893-1976), escorted Qing court members on international diplomatic trips, and provided action movement training to celebrated Peking Opera actors like Mei Lanfang 梅蘭芳 (1894-1961) and Yang Xiaolou 楊小樓 (1878-1938). Li Yaochen's connection to the guqin was primarily established through his last disciple, Liu Qin (Aisin-Gioro Qi Qin, born 1951). Liu began studying martial arts under Li Yaochen at the age of 15 and eventually became the successor of his techniques. (Fig.4) In 2008, Liu Qin authored a biographical novel about her mentor titled Zuihou de Biaowang: Wulin Taidou Li Yaochen Zhuan 最後的鏢王:武林泰斗李堯臣傳 (The Last King of the Armed Escort: Biography of the Martial Arts Grandmaster Li Yaochen), in which the present lot is illustrated. Liu Qin, born into a distinguished literary Manchu family in Beijing, is a versatile artist and writer. She studied the guqin (Fig.5) under the tutelage of her uncle Yu Bosun 俞伯蓀 (1922-2013), and Li Xiangting 李祥霆 (b. 1940) (Fig.6), both celebrated figures in the field. Her initial instruction on traditional Chinese painting came from her mother, followed by further guidance from Aisin-Gioro Pu Jin 愛新覺羅·溥伒 (1893-1966), Aisin-Gioro Pu Quan 愛新覺羅·溥佺 (1913-1991), and Hu Jieqing 胡絜青 (1905-2001), the wife of Laoshe 老舍 (1899-1966). An enthusiast of photography, Liu Qin studied under Chairman Mao's photographer Du Xiuxian 杜修賢 (1926-2014). In literature, her mentor was Long Shihui 龍世輝 (1925-1991). In the 1980s, Liu Qin curated exhibitions for Guan Shanyue 關山月 (1912-2000) and Li Kuchan 李苦禪 (1899-1983) in Hong Kong and hosted her own photography exhibition at the National Art Museum of China in 1987. Liu Qin has imparted her passion for the guqin to her daughter, Xiaoqiao Liu, the current owner of the present lot. Fig.7 captures the current owner playing the guqin 'Er Long Xi Zhu' in 1983, with her great-uncle Yu Bosun by her side. On the verso of the photo is a handwritten letter from Yu Bosun addressed to Liu Qin: 「寄給琴兒留念:瑤瑤習琴爺爺伴,神情手勢自天然。畫謎變成小琴謎,喜有吾孫來接班。伯孫,一九八三,三,廿八日。相中之琴,八三年為瑤瑤新購得於蓉城,實為難得之珍品!音色堅實古樸,琴頭鑲白玉一塊,為二龍戲珠。」 It is a heartfelt dedication with a seven-syllable poem from Yu Bosun, dated 28 March 1983, celebrating the natural affinity and zeal for the guqin exhibited by Liu Qin's daughter, nicknamed Yaoyao. Yu Bosun details the acquisition of the guqin in 1983 in Chengdu, emphasizing its exceptional rarity. The instrument is described as producing a robust and ancient sound and is adorned with a white jade inlay on the forehead depicting two dragons chasing a pearl. It was a remarkably serendipitous twist of fate that this guqin, once owned by Liu Qin's mentor, Li Yaochen, came to be inherited by Liu's daughter through her uncle. In the early 1980s, Liu Qin arranged for her daughter to stay with Yu Bosun within the Du Fu Thatched Cottage 杜甫草堂 Museum estate in Chengdu for about 18 months, where Xiao began her formal guqin training. Life with Master Yu was disciplined; Xiao would wake up at 5am to practice playing the guqin and singing for hours each morning. Upon her return to Beijing, she brought with her not only the 'Er Long Xi Zhu' guqin gifted by Yu Bosun but also the disciplined and resilient spirit he had instilled in her. Since then, the present lot has been a cherished companion for Xiao over forty years. (Fig.8) As a tangible embodiment of the quintessence of Chinese scholarly tradition, it has enriched the spirit of cultural inheritance by passing through the hands of three generations of masters and disciples over the last century. Yu Bosun, born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was a well-versed guqin master and a prominent figure within the Shu School of Qin Music 蜀派古琴. He began his guqin studies at the age of 14 under the guidance of Chen Yunru 陳蘊儒 (1874-?) and Long Qinfang 龍琴舫 (1890-?). Throughout his career, Yu formed close relationships with prestigious qin players such as Aisin-Gioro Pu Jin and was dedicated to cultivating the next generation of qin musicians within the Shu School. Yu Bosun was not only skilled in performing ancient melodies but also composed new music for Tang and Song dynasty poems, particularly those by Li Bai 李白 (701-762) that evoke the landscapes of Sichuan. In recognition of his contributions to the field, Yu was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Folk Music 中國民樂終身成就獎 in 2006 by the China Nationalities Orchestra Society. Another guqin previously in Yu Bosun's collection, named "Tie Ke" 銕客 (Iron Guest), of the Fengshi-style 鳳勢式 (Pheonix Aspect), was illustrated in Wu Zhao ed., Zhongguo Guqin Zhencui 中國古琴珍萃 (Masterpieces of Chinese Guqin) (Beijing: Wenhua Yishu Chubanshe, 2018), no. 121, pp. 254-255. (Fig.9) A Zhongni-style 仲尼式 (Confucius-style) huanghuali and zitan-inlaid baina 百衲 (hundred-patch) guqin named 'Taigu Yuanyin' 太古元音, also gifted by Yu Bosun to the Liu family, was sold in our Hong Kong rooms on 1 December 2020, Eternal Resonance: Music in Chinese Art, lot 13. (Fig.10) Lot Symbols W For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing


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