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加里曼丹沉香手串 The agarwood bracelet consists of fourteen Kalimantan agarwood beads, each similarly sized around 16 mm, weighs approximately 26 grams, retains natural color, grain, aroma, and patina. Bead Diameter: 16.32mm Weight: 26.1g 印尼加里曼丹沉香是比較濃重的一種沉香,物產稀少,價格昂貴。其香味濃重層次變化極大,是沉香中香味變化最大的一款。由於受中東各王親貴族特喜愛,沉香產量雖以印尼(加里曼丹島)最大,但價格也頗為昂貴。