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竹雕詩文香薰筒 The bamboo carved incense holder is of tall cylindrical form, carved on the exterior with poetry calligraphy and flower blossom, retains natural bamboo grain. Length: 12 1/4 in (31.1 cm) Diameter: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) 其上以刀代筆,陰刻老梅數枝,由上而下,似不經意悄然生出,主幹遒勁揮灑,小枝清潤。主題詩文,書法遒勁有力,寥寥幾筆已得其意。整件器物雖小,琢刻技藝卻分外精良,皮殼亮麗,不失為一件上好的竹刻把玩佳品。