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老員外木雕 The wood carving depicts an elderly and well-rounded landlord standing on the ground, wearing silk clothes and holding a sack of money, retains natural wood color, grain, and patina. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Length: 3 in (7.6 cm) 原指正員以外的官員,後世因此類官職可以捐買,故富豪皆稱員外。明朝以後員外郎成為一種閒職,不再與科舉相關,而漸漸和財富聯繫在了一起,只要肯花銀子,地主和商人都可以捐一個員外官職來做。此件木雕人物造型大腹便便,臉部刻畫細緻,把員外的整個精神風貌表現的淋漓盡致。