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路易十五世 貼金箔鏡子 帶證書 The large Louis XV mirror is of rectangular form with raised top, the entire edge parcel gilt with flowers, vines, and leaves patterns, with large flower brooches on top. Includes certificate from Royal Gallery. Height: 50 in (127.0 cm) Width: 27 1/2 in (69.8 cm) Provenance: Taiwanese collector's estate, purchased from Royal Gallery in the 90's, includes all original documentations. 木頭邊框雕刻牡丹花草紋飾,雕刻手法精湛,運用透雕,浮雕等多種技法展現線條的優美,邊框施以金箔,材料認真挑選,盡顯高端貴族氣質。|此鏡系路易十五世之Rosette Motif 典型造型,鏡子邊緣有精雕細琢的玫瑰花束延伸圖紋。鏡子正上方是波浪弧形的邊加上皇冠式的玫瑰花雕,驚變兩側有對樣式花藤纏綿串連,鏡中又有四朵玫瑰花典雅細緻的造型。加上高難度雕工貼金使此作品除有主體點綴之風外,更不失高雅之氣息,從此講究的鏡子不難想像皇室生活是如何重視氣氛及禮節了。