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唐 邢窯白瓷梅瓶 The porcelain vase is of ovoid form with small neck and opening, body glazed in ceramic white, two incised ring patterns on the center, bottom partially glazed. Tang Dynasty period. Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) 整器施白釉,光亮潤澤。本品造型梅瓶。為唐代傳世不多的名品,極為難得。該器造型為唇口,短頸,豐肩,腹部漸收,平底,通體施白釉,肥厚光潤,純淨無雜呈乳白色。整器造型規整,釉面滋潤,頗為難得。整體滿施白釉,釉色白中閃黃,如象牙之色,胎質堅硬細膩,呈微生燒狀態,這是邢窯胎質的典型特徵。邢窯是唐代北方最富盛名的白瓷窯廠,與南方越窯並重,其產品有類雪類冰之美譽。唐代邢窯主要生產日常生活器皿,完整傳世器極為少見,主要收藏在各大博物館中。