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昌化雞血印材 The Changhua chicken-blood stone carved stamp seal is of rectangular form, carved on the body with mythical beast pattern on each side, the top mounted with an elephant knob, bottom uncarved, the stone is of blood red and amber color tone with mottled interior. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Length: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) 昌化雞血石是中國特有的名貴石種,具有豔麗鮮紅如雞血般的色彩和亮晶如美玉般的光澤,歷來與珠寶翡翠同樣受人珍視,被譽為“國寶”而馳名中外。此印材雕一象鈕,四面雕魑虎,色澤純正細膩,威武霸氣。