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商 玉虎 The jade carved ornament depicts a mythical tiger prowling on the ground, head low and looking forward, the jade is of celadon color tone with mottled interior. Shang Dynasty period. Length: 3/4 in (1.9 cm) Width: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) 青白玉質地,器身大部雞骨白。虎呈趴臥狀,小頭上昂,耳後耷。前腿直立,後腿彎曲於腹下,尾巴捲曲。造型古樸,線條流暢,老虎神態威嚴兇悍,充分體現出商代優秀的玉雕技藝,實為一件難得的藝術精品。