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青海和田四臂觀音雕件(附紅色墊子) The Hetian jade carved figure depicts six-arms Guanyin standing on a red pad, wearing long flowing robe, two hands in mudra at chest level, four hands holding ritual vessels in the back, eyes closed with serene expression, the jade is of smooth white color tone with slight translucency. Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 四臂觀音是雪域西藏的守護神,藏人由老至幼家家戶戶,皆吟誦其六字大明咒:“嗡嘛呢叭咪吽”。廣大藏蒙佛教徒還把達賴喇嘛奉為觀音化身, 四臂觀音輿文殊菩薩、金剛手菩薩,合稱三族姓尊.代表大悲、大智、大力,為密乘行者人人必修的法門。此件白玉雕件玉質細膩,油潤,雕刻細緻,開臉精准,詩一件難得的珍品。