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白玉雕龍紋碗 The well-carved jade bowl stands on short foot ring, body carved with two confronting dragons chasing after flaming sphere below evert rim, the jade is of celadon-white color tone with mottled interior. Height: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm) Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm) 碗由白玉製成,玉質純淨無瑕,潤如荔中,瑩然欲滴。器形較大,微侈口,口沿平整光滑,斜收腹,底承圓形淺圈足。通體光素無紋,不著一刀,琢磨圓潤,柔美規矩,質樸謙恭而又帶有盈盈寶氣。良材不雕是存“玉之五德”,以示玉石自然之美及素簡本質。整器用料頗奢,磨製精到,拋光細膩。玉碗內外弧度圓潤優美,線條婉轉流暢,可見雕琢工藝之精巧。