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商 弦紋玉釜 The jade carved ornament is of axe blade form, with rectangular body and one end sharpened, three lined patterns on the body below stringing hole, the jade is of celadon color tone with russet and mottled interior. Shang Dynasty period. Length: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm) Width: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) 玉斧青玉質,質地細膩,灰皮,上部有一圓孔,下部為弧形刃,器表磨製光滑,玉斧白玉質,斧作舌形,上部正中有一圓孔,露出鑽痕,下部較寬,刃部為圓弧狀,上飾弦紋,質樸厚實。整體打磨拋光細緻,線條流暢,豪放大氣。玉刀、玉斧作為一種標誌和象徵,用於儀仗、禮儀等場合。