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浮雕雙龍壁 The jade carved pendant is of flattened disc form, the top mounted with two chilong carved in relief, the jade is of white and orange color tone with russet and translucency, reverse carved with three scrolling archaic bands. Diameter: 2 3/16 in (5.6 cm) 玉質,規格較大,作玉璧之形。正面高浮雕雙龍盤旋,螭龍形體、動態一致,頭部呈三角形,皆朝向璧孔,龍眼突出,嘴巴微張,前肢置於身體兩側,身軀柔韌流暢,龍身扭曲而懸於壁外,動感十足,尾部細長分叉;背面邊緣起棱,內剔地浮雕勾雲紋為飾。通體滿沁,色則黃褐,古色古香。