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唐 銅淨瓶 The bronze cast bottle vase has a globular body, standing on slightly splayed foot ring, two ring patterns on the body and waisted neck, below evert rim. Tang Dynasty period. Height: 11 in (27.9 cm) 此淨瓶周身素面,唯頸部及肩部各有一道弦紋,敞口、細長頸、圓肩、鼓腹、高足,具有唐代淨瓶的獨特造型特徵。有很強的宗教和藝術價值。淨瓶,唐代典型器物。一般與宗教聯繫,有觀音一手持淨瓶,內插楊柳,以咒水治病或灑淨道場,故請佛菩薩亦用“楊枝淨水”。