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銅如意鑲和田玉與瑪瑙 The bronze cast ruyi scepter is of two tree-branch shape, the scepter's head inset with white jade carved in the form of lotus flower petals, surrounding smaller celadon jade beads and a large carnelian bead, complete with string and carved walnuts. Height: 12 in (30.5 cm) Length: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm) Width: 3 in (7.6 cm) 器呈靈芝形,如意首為蓮花,工藝複雜,外層花瓣嵌飾白玉,內層則嵌碧玉,中心花蕊又以紅玉鑲嵌,瑩潤光澤,花瓣上採用了陰刻手法,造型別致精美。如意柄部隆起部分陰刻弦紋,其餘皆以天然紋理而飾。清代是如意發展集大成之時代,宮中如意的製造和使用,都達到了前所未有的繁榮局面。乾隆曾有詩喟贊如意:“一柄曲拳代談者,琳玢古色錯金銀。誰知子氏猶尚質,已有欣于如意人。” 本品雕工細緻入微,造型清秀典雅,包漿溫潤深沉,整器不做過多繁飾,給人一種古樸的美感,頗具文人氣息。