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范曾 達摩造像 Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts Bodhidharma standing with full robe covering most of his body, looking slightly sideways with stern expression. Artist colophon, signature and mark FAN ZENG on the left. Length: 46 in (116.8 cm) Width: 25 in (63.5 cm) 作者簡介:范曾,字十翼,別署抱沖齋主,江蘇南通人,中國當代大儒、思想家、國學大師、書畫巨匠、文學家、詩人。| 題識:達摩造像 | 款識:辛酉江東范增於北京抱沖齋 | 鈐印:“范增書畫”、“肖形印”