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張大千 山水人物畫 扇面 Ink and color on paper, fan leaf, mounted. The painting depicts river scenery consists of river, trees, boats, people, and houses, artist colophon, signature and mark Zhang Daqian on the right side. Height: 9 in (22.9 cm) Width: 25 in (63.5 cm) 作者簡介:張大千(1899~1983),原名正權,後改名爰,字季爰,號大千,別號大千居士、下里巴人,齋名大風堂。張大千是二十世紀中國畫壇最具傳奇色彩的國畫大師,無論是繪畫、書法、篆刻、詩詞都無所不通。早期專心研習古人書畫,特別在山水畫方面卓有成就。後旅居海外,畫風工寫結合,重彩、水墨融為一體,尤其是潑墨與潑彩,開創了新的藝術風格。他的治學方法,值得那些試圖從傳統走向現代的畫家們借鑒。| 款識:大千居士張爰| 鈐印:“張爰印”、“寶爰樓”