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料器畫山水鼻煙壺 Of ovoid form, the white glass snuff bottle painted in famille rose, depicts landscape scenery with mountains, trees, river, village, and people, complete with pink domed gemstone stopper, bottom bears four character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) 白似玉的料器,畫上多彩的山水,別樣風采。此煙壺為涅白料製成,色澤乳白,宛若割脂。器體渾圓,造型精巧,胎骨細密平整,外輪廓線條優美流暢,底足亦十分細潔。彩繪山石人物,畫面佈局得宜,山石草木渲染得法,人物神情精妙,栩栩如生。製作極為精美,把玩於掌間,令人愛不釋手。