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清 套料開光山水鼻煙壺 Of bulbous form, the snuff bottle underglaze red on the body depicts landscape scenery, with red and black glass overlay in frame shapes and cranes, complete with pink domed gemstone stopper, bottom bears four character mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) 鼻煙壺以套料技法燒製而成,從內而外依次是白料、酒紅色料、黑色料,粉紅色碧璽蓋。直頸,豐肩,收腹,圈足。頸部線刻祥鶴紋,肩部雕如意紋地,腹部四面開光內繪山水風景圖。底用藍料書“行有恆堂”四字楷書款,字體工整。