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商 玉七孔刀 The archaic jade carved ornament is of flattened rectangular form in the shape of a cleaver's edge, with seven small holes on the top row, the jade is of black and white color tone with stone veins. Shang Dynasty period. Length: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Width: 14 in (35.6 cm) 玉呈青黃色,玉中含有藻狀條紋斑。器呈長條形,一端略寬,一端窄而似柄。下側有刃,較為鋒利,由兩面磨成;刀背較平直,一端有一穿孔,全身共七孔。玉璋在《周禮,考工記》中有“大璋亦如之,諸侯以聘女”的記載。《周禮?考工記》又載:“大璋,中璋九寸,邊璋七寸,射四寸,天子以巡守。”說明玉璋還是天子巡狩的時候祭祀山川的器物。