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戰國 獸面紋玉璜 The jade carved ornament huang is of flattened bridge form, the surface carved with intricate beast mask patterns amidst complex archaic patterns, the jade is of celadon color tone with slight russet and mottled interior. Warring States period. Length: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 玉璜,在中國古代與玉琮、玉璧、玉圭、玉璋、玉琥等,被《周禮》一書稱為是“六器禮天地四方”的玉禮器。此玉璜玉質堅硬,細膩;器為整體彎曲,刻獸面紋,體扁薄,呈半圓形。此器熟練地採用起凸、管鑽等技術。紋飾精繁,為玉器中所罕見