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清光緒 黃地粉彩花卉紋盤? The famille rose dish depicts vibrant flower blossom amidst vines and leaves on the surface, against bright yellow ground, bottom bears six character GUANGXU reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 1 3/4 in (4.4 cm) Diameter: 10 in (25.4 cm) 對盤撇口,弧壁,圈足,足內施白釉。盤內外皆施黃釉地,口沿及足部飾以紅彩弦紋一周,外壁滿飾四組纏枝花卉,花朵碩大,油油綠葉,纏枝曼妙,盤內亦滿繪六組大型鮮花紋飾,自然逼真,各具風姿。底書青花“大清光緒年製”六字雙行楷書款。