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仲芳款美人肩壺 The Yixing Zisha teapot is of tall ovoid form, with large C shaped handle and short spout, the clay is of orange-brown color tone, bottom incised with two character Zhong Fang mark. Height: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Width: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 此壺款式取明代李仲芳之壺式所製。底鈐“仲芳”兩字刻款。壺形體態俊秀,直頸,與蓋板密合無縫,蓋面拱起呈階梯狀,置一圓珠鈕,三彎嘴向上延伸頗雅,大圈把外圓內方與壺身相配,嘴、把、蓋、鈕襯得壺身端麗雅致。朱泥色澤華麗,豔而不俗。逸公壺的形色、大小與諸種泥質、泥色具備。