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荊溪華鳳祥製款漢方壺 The Yixing Zisha teapot is of tall and expanding rectangular form, body depicts stylized ruyi patterns, with long C shape handle and spout, the clay is of dark brown color tone, bottom bears six character mark. Height: 8 3/4 in (22.2 cm) Width: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) 壺蓋沿邊厚唇,中部微隆,深蓋牆,方唇,口下短頸,平底。壺身一側出流嘴,另側執把自肩部生出,于古雅之中流露柔美之態。此壺線條過渡自然,氣韻暢達,直流堅挺,鼓肩執把一氣呵成,以紫砂為胎,沉鬱古樸,優雅莊重。此壺造型雅正,大而精緻,流線細膩。