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宋 越窯八卦瓶 The Yue ware bottle vase is of slightly tapering cylindrical form, the top shoulder bears extruding ridge patterns, glazed overall in celadon-yellow color tone with crackle patterns, bottom bears ring mark. Song Dynasty period. Height: 6 3/4 in (17.1 cm) Width: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm) 瓶為侈口,短頸,束腹,圈足。通體施青釉,四周突起八卦紋,下承圈足。越窯是唐、五代時最著名的青瓷窯場,也稱“秘色窯”。所燒青瓷代表了當時青瓷的最高水準。唐代越窯青瓷已很精美,博得當時詩人的讚美,如,顏況“越泥似玉之甄”,許渾“越甄秋水澄”,皮日休“邢人與越人,皆能造瓷器,圓似月魂墮,輕如雲魄起”,陸龜蒙“九秋風露越窯開,奪得千峰翠色來”等。五代吳越時越窯瓷器已“臣庶不得用”,作為吳越王錢氏御用及貢品。